Friday, January 13, 2012

Asteroid Defense

When it comes down to developing a way to defend the entire planet from destruction I am all for it. A large asteroid or comet hitting the earth is not a common occurrence. But it has happened many times before and when it does happen again the asteroid may wipe out all life, including humans. If our government did develop an anti-asteroid defense system, it would not only have to protect our country, but the whole planet.
If we had such technology we would first have to be very sure it would work.
We wouldn't want to shoot a nuclear weapon at an asteroid just to have it break into multiple pieces and have those pieces raining down on Earth. One of the most important parts of defending our planet would be to find and chart every asteroid that could threaten us. That would be a very tedious and never ending job, but is necessary for the defense system to work. It would do us humans no good to have some sort of defense against asteroids if we don't know when they will strike.

So after thinking about an anti-asteroid defense system, I think that our government should look into constructing one. When one thinks about what an asteroid could do to our planet it is usually a very scary thought. In the past we have been very lucky with where asteroids have hit our earth. Back in 1908 in the Tunguska region of Siberia, an object from space hit there causing miles of forest to be devastated. If that same object had hit New York, it would have probably been like a 20 megaton bomb going off in Times Square. That would have completely altered history. What makes it worse is that it is thought that a small comet hit in Tunguska. What if a huge comet had hit there? These examples are very good reasons why I think that humankind needs to come up with a way to stop asteroids or any other type of object that could kill off all life on earth.

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